I'd just use <property name="files_path" refid="fileset"> and then
check if property "files_path" is greater than zero.

 <fileset dir="WebInfra/Source" id="fileset" includes="**/*">
   <containsregexp expression="dg" />

<property name="files_path" refid="fileset">

<condition property="prop_from_condition">
    <equals arg1="${files_path}" arg2=""/>

That I believe works in 1.6.5. I took a quick look at a few other ways
using selectors, but I don't think those work with 1.6.5.

On 11/5/07, Jay Dickon Glanville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm doing something, but I'm not sure I'm doing it the best way
> possible.  So, I thought I'd ask the experts.
> What I want to do is set a property if at least one file in a
> directory tree contains a regular expression X.  Here's what I'm
> doing:
> Create a fileset containing all files that match this condition:
>   <fileset dir="WebInfra/Source" id="fileset" includes="**/*">
>     <containsregexp expression="dg" />
>   </fileset>
> Convert that fileset to a string that contains the filenames in the fileset:
>   <pathconvert pathsep="--" property="files_path" refid="fileset" />
> Set the property if the filename string is longer then 0:
>   <condition property="prop_from_condition" value="true">
>     <length string="${files_path}" trim="true" when="greater" length="0" />
>   </condition>
> So, is this the best way to set a property to true if a directory tree
> contains a file that matches a RegEx?  Is there a better way?
> Thanks
> PS: I'm limited by my current environment to ant 1.6.5.
> --
> Jay Dickon Glanville
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David Weintraub

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