yvesforkl wrote:

Andrew Goktepe wrote:
The symlink task (http://ant.apache.org/manual/OptionalTasks/symlink.html)
can be used to create symbolic links with relative paths on a per-file
basis [...]

Thank you for this hint, once again I see that most of what needs to be done
is fairly easy with ant. I wonder why I didn't simply search for "symlink"
at  http://ant.apache.org/ http://ant.apache.org/ ...

But even if I had found the symlink task, I would never have been able to
come up with the solution below which is what I need, as I have set of files
which I can't pass to the symlink task. (It's a pity that ant does have to
do without true loops, but I know that this is one of its strengths.)

I hit this symlink problem while trying to create links for use in a tar file -and dropped to <exec> "ln -s". I'd like to extend <tar> in future so that we can add symlinks directly into the tar, bypassing the filesystem altogether. This would let you create tarfiles with symlinks under windows too.

no time allocated to do this yet, of course...

Steve Loughran                  http://www.1060.org/blogxter/publish/5
Author: Ant in Action           http://antbook.org/

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