-----Original Message-----
From: Knuplesch, Jürgen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 9:00 AM
To: user@ant.apache.org
Subject: Unless using more than one property
Is it possible to use two or more propertys with the unless attribut?
The following doesnt seem to work:
<target name="dsf.copynbdb" unless="dope.nodsf,dope.nodsf.copynbdb">
It looks like that the >,< is interpreted as part of the property.
I cant find the answer to this question in the Ant-Doku.
no, but you can bundle those things to check in a condition =
<condition property="copy.no">
and then =
<target name="dsf.copynbdb" unless="copy.no">
If you need to do more complicated stuff with execution-rules,
flow-control ... then have a look at AntXtras =
Regards, Gilbert
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