Knuplesch wrote:
Depending on the task you use, you can define a lot of classpaths.
I usually use the classpath or classpathref attribute to set the classpath e.g.
for the javac task.
The question is: For which task you need the classpath and how do you set the
This is how i trace the classpath, if it is stored in a refid:
<property name="ausgabejunit" refid="junit.classpath" />
<echo>Klassenpfad in junit: classpath=${ausgabejunit}</echo>
Actually, you can skip the conversion by calling toString on the
classpath (since ant1.6)
<echo>Klassenpfad in junit: classpath=${toString:junit.classpath}</echo>
We use <pathconvert> to split our classpath up with newlines before printing
<!-- to get the classpath in a printable form -->
<pathconvert pathsep="${line.separator}| |-- "
<echo message="
<echo message=" Project: ${}"/>
<echo message=" Ant file: ${ant.file}"/>
<echo message=" Compile Class Path= ${line.separator}|
|-- ${echo.compile.classpath}"/>
<echo message="
Steve Loughran
Author: Ant in Action
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