Hi, To use <exec> you'll need something like:
<project name="vbcrap" basedir="."> <property name="vbexe" location="c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\VB6.EXE"/> <target name="compile"> <!-- for the love of god stop installing stuff in dirs with spaces in the names --> <exec executable="${vbexe}"> <arg value="-make"/> <arg value=" Moagent32.vbp"/> <arg value="c:\test.dll"/> <arg value="-out"/> <arg value="c:\build_log.txt"/> </exec> </target> </project> > M:\cc_mv_test\v_agentapi\Develop\VB Server>"c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual > St > udio\VB98\VB6.EXE" -make Moagent32.vbp c:\test.dll -out c:\build_log.txt Please spend some time reading the ant manual, this information is easily available on the website and everyone appreciates it more if you've attempted to find your own solution *before* asking for help. Thanks, Kev --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]