   <target name="init">
      <available file="lib/pmd.jar" property="pmd.jar"/>

On 9/21/07, Eric Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to only call a target ( _pmd ) if the property "pmd.jar" is set.
>     <target name="perform-pmd" if="pmd.jar" >
>         <runtarget target="_pmd" />
>     </target>
>     <target name="_pmd"
> depends="pmd-init,find-pmd-java-files,modified-java-pmd,new-java-pmd" />
> The problem I have with the code above is that runtarget seems to run in
> its own JVM so properties that are set in there that I need to reference
> later are not available after it runs.  Also, if I add the "if" clause
> to the _pmd target, the depends are processed first.
> How do I best handle the conditional execution of a target without using
> either antcall or runtarget?

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