Thanks Steve.
Does anyone know any other work around other than including it in
environment variable?

On 9/3/07, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ramu Sethu wrote:
> > Hi
> > I have helper class return a string. We are using junit test and junit
> > report task. I want my xslt to use my helper class.
> >
> > I added this in my
> > xmlns:main="java://Main" in xslt sheet and added  Main in environment
> > variable classpath
> > This was working.
> >
> > But we will be running the scripts in diffrent machines. So i don want
> > do the work of adding Main in environment variable for each machine
> >
> > There should be simple way of adding classes to the class path, so
> > that xslt can it take when proccesing junit reports.
> >
> > Can any body help me on this????
> >
> I dont think <junitreport> currently takes extra classpath options,
> though I dont see any reason why it couldnt be extended. Please file an
> enhancement request on
> -steve
> --
> Steve Loughran        
> Author: Ant in Action 
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Thank you
Ramu S

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