
> One of the significant changes in 1.7.0 was, apparently:
> " * Defer reference process. Bugzilla 36955, 34458, 37688.
> However, my version of ANT 1.7.0 (binary download) seems to behave in the 
> 'old' way. I have looked in WHATSNEW under SVN, and can see no suggestion 
> that there was a problem. So, my question, how can I get 'isreference' to 
> "properly" identify whether a path, for example, has been set at the point 
> where the condition is tested.
> See build file and test results. I was expecting the output to be:
>      [echo] test.path setting = false

I've just tested this with svn trunk compiled today (1.7.1alpha) and I
get the same behaviour - an 'unexecuted' target containing the ref and
an executed target using the ref and the ref set:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/workspace/ant-core-trunk$ ant -f test-id.xml
Buildfile: test-id.xml
     [echo] Apache Ant version 1.7.1alpha compiled on August 30 2007

Warning: Reference test.path has not been set at runtime, but was found during
build file parsing, attempting to resolve. Future versions of Ant may support
 referencing ids defined in non-executed targets.
     [echo] test.path setting = true

Total time: 0 seconds
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/workspace/ant-core-trunk$


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