Project A's build process will make the jar and puts the jar in location
known to Project B.

Then you could write a 'outer' build script that infact builds these
projects (A,B) in the order you require.

(-)build.xml (outer)
(+)dist (Jars from project A go here)
(+)Project A/build.xml
(+)Project B/build.xml

The 'outer' build script may also do tasks like checking out the code
for project A,B.


On Sun, 2007-06-03 at 21:59 -0700, Karamjit wrote:
> Hi All, 
> I have one problem in ant build file. Actually i'm compiling and build two
> projects A and B with single build file.
> As in eclipse configuration i made A project depend upon the jar file of B
> project. 
> What i'm  trying to do is that i want to set the jar file in classpath
> durring runt time of ant from A project so that the project B can get easily
> compiled. Is there any way in ANT to make one project dependable on the Jar
> file  of other project.
> Can someone help me. its very urgent. Thanks in advanced


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