To avoid rebuilding of targets if they occur as dependent targets for many
targets, I tried using <outofdate> task.My requirement is that I am
having different targets in all build files for copying source,compiling java
files and creating jar files. Each build file will be having all the above
mentioned targets. After extracting the source files, it will be checking for
the outdated target jar file. Once it finds that target is outofdate,
\"target.old\" property will be set and will be proceed with creating jar file.
If source files are uptodate with target file,\"target.old\" will be false and
shouldn\'t run target \"compile\" and \"create-jar\".
If \"target.old\" is \"false\", though it will not create jar file, it is
be still checking each file at the task level. But I want the check to be done
at target level and proceed with creating jar file only if \"target.old\" is
set. As I am having so many source files, it is taking lot of time for building.
Is there any flaws in the below sample build file?
Sample build file-
<target name=\"source\"> <copy
todir=\"${eg}\"> <fileset dir=\"${eg}/java-source\"
includes=\"**/*.*\"/> </copy>
property=\"target.old\"> <sourcefiles> <fileset
dir=\"${eg}\"> <include
name=\"**/*.*\"/> </fileset> </sourcefiles> <targetfiles> <pathelement
path=\"${eg}/classfolder/eg.jar\"/> </targetfiles>
<sequential> <antcall
target=\"create-jar\"/> </sequential> </outofdate>
<target name=\"compile\" if=\"target.old\"> .
. <target name=\"create-jar\"
depends=\"compile\"> . . .
On Fri, 25 May 2007 00:09:18 -0700 (PDT) \"Ant Users List\" wroteIf you have
multiple projects and you want to build them the right order, youcan also use
ivy ( It\'s a dependencymanagment tool having
ant tasks to order a list of subproject according totheir respective
dependencies( It use a
metadataXML file to descibes the dependency of every module. Ivy can also use
thisfile to do a lot of other thinks like definind classpaths or fileset,
orproducing report.Gill
esDoug Lochart-3 wrote:> > Joe Schmetzer wrote:>> On Thu, 24 May,
2007 12:46 pm, query wrote:>> >>> Earlier I was using some other
build tool to build my project. Here if a>>> target is built and if
the same target is used to build some other>>> target,>>> it
compares the timestamp and will not build the dependent targets>>>
again.>>> As I started working on ANT, I found it very useful and
intersting. But>>> in>>> ANT, while building each target, it
will try to build all the dependent>>> targets that many times as it
occurs in different targets. As a result>>> it>>> is
increasing project\'s build time.Is there any task to ensure that
the>>> dependent targets once built will not be built again
????>>> >>>> If you\'re willing to reorganise you build
targets into different>> projects,>> the technique described here
can help:>>>>>>>> HTH>> > I
like this approach. I may look into adopting it. I have projects > very
segregated already so adopting this style should be easy and> painless.>
> thanks> >
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