On Fri, 04 May 2007, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Actually, during the day I've been starting to factor out file
> access From FileResource.


> Having looked at the tasks, I am not going to do any major reworks
> without talking to Stefan (who is chairing the maven talk, I am in
> the tomcat 6 talk right now).

Go take a look at the dev-list archives.  There has been some
discussion between Matt any me on that a few weeks (months?) ago.

> But other tasks (Tar) seem to contain their own basedir resolution:

Yes, this is unfortunate.  The usual "historical accident" thing.

> or this stuff in Copy

I'm sure you've seen the comments at the top of that method.  It has
been pretty hard to enable resource support while maintaining API
compatibility since Copy explicitly was designed to be inherited from.

> I think we may need to pull a lof of this check for null and make
> basedir-relative  resolution something inside the FileProvider
> implementations.

Not sure.  I think we may want to have resolution of relative paths
somewhere in Resource or ResourceUtils.  It should work for any kind
of Resource so that we can resolve relative URLs as well.


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