Yes Aruna. My CruiseControl's config.xml file does have CVS element

*    <!-- Defines where cruise looks for changes, to decide whether to run
the build -->*

*    <modificationset quietperiod="10">*

*      <cvs localworkingcopy="projects/gateway/${}"/>*

*    </modificationset>*


Vivek Payala

On 5/3/07, Aruna Challapalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does  your cruisecontrol configuration file has any CVS element included?
See this example...

On 5/3/07, vivek payala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> We have configured CruiseControl for build scheduling on the build
> CruiseControl calls the project specific ANT build script. As the build
> starts the first thing the build script does is update the projects CVS
> directory. The build file contents are as shown below,
> *<project name="build-billgate"
>          basedir="gateway/billgate/build">
>   <target name="build">
>       <!-- Get the latest from CVS -->
>       <cvs command="update -P -d" />
>       <!-- Call the target that does everything -->
>       <ant antfile="build.xml " target="generate.clover.reports"/>
>   </target>
> </project>
> *
> All individual projects are under /home/cvs/cruisecontrol/projects
> One such project is under
> /home/cvs/cruisecontrol/projects/gateway/billgate/
> The build file above (build-billgate.xml) calls the build file that's in
> /home/cvs/cruisecontrol/projects/gateway/billgate/build/build/xml
> It is observed that the changes committed by developers to the CVS
> are not getting updated on the build server. Because of this the build
> fails. I did a manual CVS update of the project directory on the build
> server and then ran the build manually using CruiseControl. The updates
> were
> now seen, however the build failed due to certain other reasons (which
> developers will fix). The issue here is the CVS update (updating
> files/creating new directories) is not happening properly. As an
> alternative
> I thought of writing a small perl script just for updating the project
> directory. This perl script would be called first before the build
> I
> haven't implemented this Perl script yet. But however this would be not
> solution when we already have ANT doing that for us. Could you please
> me out and give me a solution that would fix this issue.
> We use 'ssh' for CVS authentication.
> Thanks much.
> Vivek Payala

Aruna Challapalli

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