
-----Original Message-----
From: Ninju Bohra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 6:58 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: Re: How to set the next week start date

Yeah...that's what happens when you tweak sample code to demonstrate
something...you always mix up something

With a unit="week" the offset should only be offset="1" (or maybe -1)
for next week.

The confusion you got on the sample you wrote (the bizzare date of
19/15/2007) comes from the lowercase 'mm' you used in your pattern
string....lowercase 'mm' is minutes, I believe you meant month which is
uppercase MM

You will notice that your 'month' value (19) matches the minutes value
09:19 PM

Oops ;-)

you're right

so :

<script language="ruby">
        t = Time.now
        puts t.strftime("actual date == %m.%d.%Y")
        thisweek = (t - x * 86400).strftime("%m.%d.%Y")
        $project.setProperty "thisweek",  thisweek
        lastweek = (t - x * 86400 - 7 * 86400).strftime("%m.%d.%Y")
        $project.setProperty "lastweek",  lastweek

        nextweek =  (t - x * 86400 + 7 * 86400).strftime("%m.%d.%Y")
        $project.setProperty "nextweek",  nextweek

and :

    <format property="thisweek" pattern="MM.dd.yyyy"
       offset="0" unit="week"/>

    <format property="lastweek" pattern="MM.dd.yyyy"
       offset="-1" unit="week"/>

    <format property="nextweek" pattern="MM.dd.yyyy"
       offset="1" unit="week"/>

are giving the same result

Regards, Gilbert

----- Original Message ----
From: Gilbert Rebhan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ant Users List <user@ant.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 3:33:59 PM
Subject: Re: How to set the next week start date


Ninju Bohra wrote:
> Have you looked at the <tstamp> task
> Maybe something like:
> <tstamp>
>       <format property="touch.time" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa"
>               offset="7" unit="week"/>
>   </tstamp>

i tried that on Win2000, with jdk 1.5.0_11 ant 1.6.5

<project name="project" default="main">
  <target name="depends">
      <format property="touch.time" pattern="mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa"
          offset="7" unit="week"/>

  <target name="main" depends="depends">
       Antversion == ${ant.version}
       Today == ${TODAY}

       $${touch.time} == ${touch.time}

and it gave me =

Buildfile: J:\eclipse_3_2\workspace\AntTest\tstamp.xml
      [echo] Antversion == Apache Ant version 1.6.5 compiled on June 2
      [echo] Today == April 27 2007
      [echo] ${touch.time} == 19/15/2007 09:19 PM
Total time: 156 milliseconds

hm, strange 19/15/2007 ??

i think you meant something like =

    <format property="touch.time" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa"
          offset="-7" unit="day"/>


    <format property="touch.time" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa"
          offset="7" unit="day"/>

similar to the example from manual :

       <format property="touch.time" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa"
               offset="-5" unit="hour"/>

but that gives him the actual date minus | plus 7 days.

> Also when you say 'set the current date' what does that mean?
> If you want to calculate what '7 days from now and set it to an ANT
> property'
>please look at the <tstamp> task otherwise please provide more 
>explaination on what you need.

I thought the original poster was asking for

the next weeks start date and last week start date

because of that i suggested the <script> solution, where
he can choose, whether the start day of week = sunday or

Otherwise the </tstamp> would fit of course.

So he should provide some more details ;-)

Regards, Gilbert

> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Satheesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Ant Users List <user@ant.apache.org>
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 4:51:12 AM
> Subject: How to set the next week start date
> Hi Guys, If i want to set the current date its possible in ANT , even
if i want a date which is some 'n' days after the current date, that
also is possible..
> I need a way to set the value of the next weeks start date and last
week start date using ANT.
> How can i achieve this///

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