This is not ANT related, but there are few ways to achieve this. If you open login shells (for example in Gnome terminal select Edit->Current Profile...->Title and Command->Run command as login shell) you can put commands into ~/.profile script (create it, if it does not exist). You can also put commands into ~/.bashrc, ~/.kshrc, or some other script depending on a shell you are using (personally I prefer ~/.profile). Finally, it could be a bad idea to pollute your environment (for example, if you are working on several projects in parallel), so sometimes it is better to create other scripts that will set the environment and run ANT (for example, export PATH=/some/path:$PATH;export ANT_HOME=/some/other/path;ant $@). The last solution does not change global configuration, so it is less likely to break something.

- Alexey.

akinola oni wrote:

Is it possible to set the path value permanently on linux (mac) ? l always have to set up the path value every time l open up a new command line terminal. I tried setting it up in the environment variables. it always returns back to the original configuration every time re start the computer. ant home and java home are all set up permanently it is only the path l don't know how to set up permanently.I am using a mac by the way.Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Alexey N. Solofnenko <>
Pleasant Hill, CA (GMT-8 usually)

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