
I'm using white space compression as illustrated here : 
http://ant.apache.org/manual/OptionalTasks/replaceregexp.html , with Ant 1.6.5 
, my original purpose
for using whitespace compression was to reduce the size of the WAR file so that 
it could be uploaded faster to a production environment and also to reduce disk 
space occupied by a web page, web page size and decrease the web page loading 

Everything works well with whitespace compression, except for certain cases 
were I want the whitespaces *preserved*. 

For example, in a few JSP pages I have the HTML <pre> tag, which is supposed to 
display it's content exactly as they appear but, after whitespace compression 
appears on just one line - this is not a problem, except that everything inside 
the <pre> tag also falls on one line. 

Is there a way to tell the ReplaceRegExp task to not process anything that 
appears between the starting <pre> and the ending </pre> tag in any file?

I recently learned that white-space compression doesn't significantly change a 
page's speed  as mentioned on this thread:

But, I'm still interested in knowing if it is possible to ignore processing 
certain sections of a file with a condition.

Any pointers or information would be appreciated.


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