On 2/15/07, Antoine Levy-Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From your log file, may be your property file should be loaded from
> /home/scm/CC_Build/projects/RSA/build.properties
not from
> /home/scm/CC_BUILD/projects/RSA/build.properties
Best regards,
thanks for your reply. the path to the build.properties file is a
property in the build file itself. so when the build is kicked off, a
property is set with a value from an environment variable. this
property is used as the path to the build.properties and several other
files. this strategy works fine on our windows development
so at the top of all the build scripts i have the following:
<property environment="env" />
<property name="dev.root" value="${env.DEV_ROOT}" />
<property file="${dev.root}/build.properties" />
on my windows machine, DEV_ROOT is set as 'C:\Development\RSA'. on
our Linux build machine, DEV_ROOT is set as
'/home/scm/CC_Build/projects/RSA'. and of course the build.properties
file is then located in the RSA directory. this allows all the
sub-projects under RSA to be able to use the same build.properties
file for global settings.
the problem i'm seeing is that on the Linux build machine the
${dev.root} property is being translated, but for some reason ANT is
unable to find the file at that location, even though the file 'is'
there and is world readable.
so when i run ANT in debug mode i see the following:
[property] Loading /home/scm/CC_BUILD/projects/RSA/build.properties
[property] Unable to find property file:
obviously ANT was able to translate the ${dev.root} property correctly
because the fully qualified path shows up in the output. but for some
reason it is unable to find the file...
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