Thanks, Jacob. I figured that would be the answer - sigh! Unfortunately switching to 1.7 is not a choice, so are there any 1.6.5 solutions?

I tried creating my own Logger to block those messages but that ended up in a catch-22 because the custom logger class file could not be found.

When I tried 'ant <usual options> -logger my.own.Logger -lib my/own/test.jar' other scripts failed with class-not-found, as though the classpaths inside the scripts failed to work - some other tasks use the same jar test.jar - is that why? Should I just move the logger to its own jar and do 'ant <usual options> -logger my.own.Logger -lib my/own/logger.jar'?

Jacob Kjome wrote:

Yep, use Ant-1.7.0


At 06:28 PM 2/1/2007, you wrote:
>When I run my ant scripts I get these highly annoying and screen
>real-estate consuming messages like:
>Trying to override old definition of task shellscript
>Trying to override old definition of datatype isgreaterthan
>I am using ant 1.6.5 and I see in (line 609)
>                project.log("Trying to override old definition of "
>                    + (isTask ? "task " : "datatype ") + name,
>                    (def.similarDefinition(old, project))
>                    ? Project.MSG_VERBOSE : Project.MSG_WARN);
>I tried running with "-q" option but that only works for top level
>script, does not work for scripts that are fired off using:
>    ant antfile="..."
>Is there any way to turn off these messages?
> - Guru Balse
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