Well, just looking at the compile problem...it seems failure is on the
javac target... If I read this correctly the class GenericDataSource
does not implement the isWrapperFor() method. My guess is
GenericDataSource extends (in some fashion) Wrapper and
GenericDataSource is being used by the class RDBMServices (maybe being
Is there maybe some code generation step that needs to occur prior to
javac compilation?
Timothy Haroutunian wrote:
I am trying to compile uPortal and I am getting a build failed error. I am
getting the following error:
org.jasig.portal.RDBMServices.GenericDataSource is not abstract and does not
override abstract method isWrapperFor(java.lang.Class) in java.sql.Wrapper
[javac] public static class GenericDataSource implements DataSource
/usr/local/uPortal/build.xml:486: Compile failed; see the compiler error
output for details.
I believe that it has something to do with the
uPortal/properties/rdbm.properties file and it is failing to connect to the
database but here is the code that I have for it:
##### MySQL Example
#the above is the format for older(pre-3.0) versions of the driver
The host, username and password are correct but is everything else?
Thank You Very Much,
Timothy Haroutunian
Jr. Web Developer
Information Technology Services
Plymouth State University
Plymouth, NH 03264
Blog: http://armenianeagle.com
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