Why can't you filter ANT's output before it goes to the log?

ant -f some-build-file.xml | grep -v ' some patterns here' > ant-output.log



Does anyone have a method to suppress echo of selected property value when
debugging is enabled?

I am thinking of making a local change to the PropertyHelper class to print
"value hidden" for properties some how identified.
I wanted to check if anyone has another solution?

I am thinking of something like -Dant.hidden=<delimited list of property
that contains a blank or comma delimited set of properties whose value
should never be output even IF debug is set.
Rather, the string "value hidden" will be shown.
I thought about a custom logger, but decided it was too complicated (maybe
I bite off more than I can chew).

We are using ANT to script installation in production systems and do not
want to output the values for certain properties to
show up in logs and things.

Maybe this can or should be added to the ANT core?

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