I tried to write a second script but am getting an
IllegalArgumentException on "new Date(millis)":
<!-- usage : <formatdate millis="${millis}" format="yyMMddHHmm"
property="formatted"/> -->
<scriptdef name="filedate" language="javascript">
<attribute name="millis"/>
<attribute name="format"/>
<attribute name="property"/>
millis = attributes.get("millis");
format = attributes.get("format");
propName = attributes.get("property");
d = new java.util.Date(millis);
f = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(format);
y = f.format(d);
project.setNewProperty(propName, y);
Project: public String getProperty(String propertyName)
You have to convert the String into a long.
I tried :
l = new java.lang.Long (millis);
d = new java.util.Date(l);
This also results in a IllegalArgumentException when creating the Date.
Also: could I combine the two scripts and return 2 properties
if format is specified?
You dont return a property - you store a value in project's
And of course you can save muliple values.
Thanks for the explanation. ;-)
Gruß aus Schottland,
Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
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