Hi everybody,
I am sure that I am not the first one to post that particular question
here, but I'm very close to snapping my keyboard in half, because I
can't get it done.
I set up an Anthill build management server on a Fedora based linux
system. The machine I am working on is a server on which I don't have
full root access. Anthill is deployed in a JBoss 4.0.4.GA Patch1 JBoss
server. I can check out my project from the SVN repository and build it.
My Ant script deploys the build to JBoss, the connection to the DB is
established everything fine. And then I try to run the JUnit tests via
the script.
If I see that
"This is common and has a number of causes; the usual
solutions are to read the manual pages then download and
install needed JAR files, or fix the build file:
- You have misspelt 'junit'.
Fix: check your spelling.
error message once more . . .
I tried to put the junit.jar in the ANT_HOME/lib folder, I tried the same with
a symbolic link to junit.jar in that folder,
I tried to find the appropriate place for a CLASSPATH entry in one or another
init or conf script,
I tried to taskdef junit tasks (which switched the above error message to a
"ClassNotFoundException" for the test classes),
I even tried the new Ant 1.7.0RC1 which claims to solve that particular
problem. Well, obviously it does not, otherwise I would
not be begging for help.
I ran out of ideas and would appreciate any useful hint that might lead to a
solution. Any script where I can put the classpath
definition in, any location where I can copy the junit.jar, any useful webpage
(other than Ant FAQ...) or just ANYTHING!
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