Try this:

<condition  property = "location"  value = "yyy">
   <equals  arg1 = "${CONDITION}"  arg2 = "TRUE"/>

That's assuming you are testing a property named CONDITION

Please refer to the ant doc for <target>

Chun Tat David Chu wrote:

I'm trying to construct a condition statement in ANT, and I'm stuck.  Any
help or suggestion would be great!

What I am trying to do is to check an environmental variable, and if it is
set to "TRUE", then I want to set a field to another text.

ex. (sorry, I'm new at ANT, I'll use pseudo code to demonstrate)

STRING location = "xxx";

  location = "yyy";

I really hope to achieve this using ANT straight from the box without
downloading additional libraries/plug-in


- dc

Scot P. Floess
27 Lake Royale
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252-478-8087 (Home)
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Chief Architect JPlate
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