Need help!

I'm having problems  getting trying to run a command in windows using
ant "exec" task:

In windows, I would would the following command:  cleartool find .
-version "created_since(yesterday)&&!(created_since(now))" -print

I tried to simulate this using 'exec' task...but it doesn't take special
characters like amperstand or double quotes.

How do i get around this?  I tried to used CDATA but i get the following
message (see code below):  Class$Argument doesn't support the
nested "line" element

Which i understand...but how do i get around this?

<exec executable="cmd" os="${}" failonerror="false"
dir="${basedir}\..\..\..\..\Source" >
<line><![CDATA[/c cleartool find . -version
"created_since(yesterday)&&!(created_since(now))" -print]]></line>

thanks in advance,

Ae Hwa Chon
Configuration Manager

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