
Antform 2.0 beta 2 just got released.


Changes from 2.0 beta 1 to 2.0 beta 2

Changes that could break older environments:
- Empty form do not display any more by default.
 The previous behaviour can be obtained by setting the
 new antform/antmenu attribute showwhenempty.

Fixed bugs:
- Documentation fixed for attribute loopexit.

Changes from 1.4.6 to 2.0 beta 1

Changes that could break older environments:
- Deprecate <table> "data" attribute. This attribute was not
 coherent with other components which use the property
 value as default value.
 The build won't fail if the data attribute is set, but a
 Warning will be printed out and the table may not be

Fixed bugs:
- Fixed focus management. The antform "focus" attribute is
 deprecated and replaced by a "focus" attribute on
 individual widgets.
- All requirable widgets had their labels prefixed with '*',
 not only required ones.
- Validate all antmenuitems configuration, not only the
 first one.
- NPE when specifying selector before values in all
 selectionproperty type of widgets.
- NPE when user closes the form using the window decorators
 (top-right cross on Windows)

Other changes:
- Streamlined user action management
- Replaced <link> by <button> and <linkbar> by <buttonbar>.
 <link> and <linkbar> will still work but they are
 A Warning message will be printed if you continue using
- Created <controlbar> for the antform bottom buttons.
 This new element deprecates the following antform
 . okmessage
 . resetmessage
 . nexttarget
 . previoustarget
 It also deprecates the <cancel> widget.
- Added possibility to loop on antform/antmenu after having
 called a target.
 This allows for example to have a main menu on which we
 keep on getting back after each action. The loop exits
 when the user click on a button which exitloop attribute
 is set to true.
- Add attribute newproject to action components (buttons,
 menus, ...). Value of this attribute should be true by
 default (similar to antcall). When set to false, the
 target will be invoked without creating a new project.
 This allows to set property in the called target that will
 be reusable in the calling one.
- reset will now check current property value in the ant
 project. This is useful when using loop="true" in
 antform/antmenu and calling targets with
- Made antform compatible with Java 1.3. The following
 components cannot work with Java 1.3 because they use
 JSpinner or JFormattedTextField:
 . NumberProperty
 . ListProperty
 . DateProperty
- Add attributes "fontname", "fontstyle" and "fontsize" to
 widgets textproperty, multilinetextproperty and

On 11/29/06, Hans Schwaebli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes, would be good.

Ant scripts must run without interruption if called programmatically, for 
example from a nightly build with Cruise Control. Then there is noone there to 
push the ok button.

Patrick Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello,

The thing is that antform is meant to be different from  [input] . It allows 
to override default values.

However, I missed the fact that you were using the unless attributes. What we
may be able to do is skip the form display if no "widget" (antform sub-element)
is to be displayed.

Would that be ok for you?


Quoting Hans Schwaebli :

> The thing I tried to suggest kindly is that Antform does not show any form if
> all properties for the form have already been set. This is the default
> behavior of Ant scripts comparing to Input tasks. It simply skips the Input
> task if the property was set. The same behavior should apply to forms if all
> properties for the form have been set before. That would enable automation.
> "Rebhan, Gilbert"  wrote:
> i just had a quick look in the antform manual,
> you're already using the unless attributes.
> so no need for the extra condition
> the script works as it should, showing only
> the main screen but you're not able to
> declare your own recipient,subject, body
> as those properties are already set.
> my env here = ant 1.6.5, jdk1.4.2_05,Win2k
> Regards, Gilbert
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rebhan, Gilbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:53 AM
> To: Ant Users List
> Subject: RE: AntForm question
> Hi,
> use a condition to check whether those props are already set =
> and in the target where AntForm comes in use unless =
> ...
> so the target useAntForm is only executed if those props are not
> already set.
> Regards, Gilbert
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hans Schwaebli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:06 AM
> To: Ant Users List
> Subject: AntForm question
> When I run this, the form is shown, although all properties are already
> set. If all properties are set, why does it show the form? More
> important? How can I teach Antform not to show the form if all
> properties are set?
> lookAndFeel="com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel"
> save="properties.txt"
> image="doc/images/testlogo.jpg">
> To send a mail, use the following form. Pick a recipient,
> type a subject and a body...the script will do the rest.
> property="recipient" values="[EMAIL PROTECTED];
> property="subject" />
> property="body"/>
> property="send"/>
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