Your problem is related to your usage of antcall.  If you changed the "init"
task to depend="init-debug,init-release" etc. you problem would dissapear.
Basically the antcall is establishing a new scope which is why you
properties are not visible.

From: George Storm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 26 September 2006 4:00 AM
Subject: Loading property files at initialization: is this an error or by

The enclosed file(s) demonstrate an error, is this by design or a bug in
If initialized as shown in my build file, target "init" the property file is
not visible outside of the target from which it is loaded, if initialized as
shown in my build file, targets "init2" or "init3" the property file is
visible globally.


-          George Lawrence Storm,

-          Senior Macintosh Software Developer

-          DivX, Inc.



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