I really should, shouldn't I!
        It was something that until you said it had slipped through my mind. 
Thanks for reminding me!


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 20 September 2006 10:39
To: user@ant.apache.org
Subject: AW: HTML tags inside ANT..?

Have you tried using a filtersfile?


>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: David Corley (AT/LMI) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. September 2006 10:17
>An: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Ant Users List
>Betreff: RE: HTML tags inside ANT..?
>Whoops. The last mail was empty. Sorry about that.
>       As for composing the HTML inside Ant, I've done that too, but be 
>warned it ain't pretty!
>       What I did was have a standard html file that I used as a mail 
>template. Within that html file, I had several filter keys (such as 
>@date@, @username@, etc).
>       So before I sent the build mail, I copied the html file from the 
>template to some temp directory, running a filterset on it as the copy 
>took place, thereby replacing the filter keys with html code (that I 
>had defined in build.xml).
>       The real pain in the ass is having to use a lot of escape characters 
>so that Ant doesn't think your markup is part of the build script.
>       For instance the code below replaces filter keys in my template html 
>code with links to documents created as part of the build process.
><copy todir="${output.dir}/OverallPMD">
>       <fileset dir="${nav.dir}/PMD"/>
>               <filterset>
>               <filter token="OVERQR3" value="&lt;a 
>               <filter token="OVERQR4" value="&lt;a 
>               <filter token="OVERQR5" value="&lt;a 
>               <filter token="OVERQR6" value="&lt;a 
>               <filter token="OVERQR7" value="&lt;a 
>               <filter token="OVERQR8" value="&lt;a 
>       </filterset>
>The corresponding html template is:
><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>
><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" 
>/> <title>Untitled Document</title> <style type="text/css">
>body {
>       margin-left: 0px;
>       margin-top: 0px;
>       margin-right: 0px;
>       margin-bottom: 0px;
>.style1 {
>       font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
>       font-weight: bold;
><table width="100%" border="0">
>  <tr>
>    <td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><span class="style1">OVERALL:</span></td>
>    <td bgcolor="#66FF66"><div align="center" 
>    <td bgcolor="#CCFFCC"><div align="center" 
>    <td bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><div align="center" 
>    <td bgcolor="#FFFF00"><div align="center" 
>    <td bgcolor="#FFCC33"><div align="center" 
>    <td bgcolor="#FF9900"><div align="center" 
>  </tr>
>Now there
>See how messy that can get? Now it works well, but you have to have the 
>patience of a saint to work through it all.
>Maybe I still don't understand what you want to do, but I think you're 
>at least getting a better picture of what CAN be done.
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: 20 September 2006 09:50
>To: Ant Users List
>Subject: RE: HTML tags inside ANT..?
>Thanx for ur supportive suggestions.
>Real scenario here is ....
>Once the build is thru' am checking for Build Success/Failure in a 
>shell script . Depending on tht the shell script call seperate mail 
>tasks inside same build.xml
>for Success/Failure.Presently I want to include some HTML tags inside 
>those mail tasks to get reflected in the mail. ( Now mail generation is 
>I want to happen everything in runtime.
>Jan, i will try the way u suggest. But I prefer tht to be inside by 
>build file....
>---- anand
>                      "David Corley                            
>                      \(AT/LMI\)"              To:      "Ant 
>Users List" <user@ant.apache.org>                              
>                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         cc:      (bcc: 
>                      icsson.com>              Subject: RE: 
>HTML tags inside ANT..?                                        
>                      09/20/2006 12:47                         
>                      PM                                       
>                      Please respond                           
>                      to "Ant Users                            
>                      List"                                    
>I agree with Jan,
>             I've a setup pretty close to what you're looking for in 
>use at work.
>             But to do this you'll need to add the javamail and jaf 
>jars to the ant bootloader classpath...
>             Which you can do more or less as follows:
>             ant -f build.xml -lib
>/directory/containing/javamail.jar/ -lib /directory/containing/jaf.jar/
>             If you don't add the directories containing those two 
>jars, Ant won't be able to process MIME mail, and will send a UUE 
>encoded message instead, which will result in your mail showing the 
>HTML source code instead of the properly formatted content.
>             You can grab javamail here:
>             http://java.sun.com/products/javamail/downloads/index.html
>             And you can grab JAF (JavaBeans Activation
>Framework) here:
>Hope this helps,
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: 20 September 2006 08:08
>To: user@ant.apache.org
>Subject: AW: HTML tags inside ANT..?
>    <message src="message.html" mimetype="text/html"/> </mail>
>I would use an external message-file, because html (message) inside xml
>(buildfile) is very hard to maintain ...
>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>Gesendet: Mittwoch, 20. September 2006 07:14
>>An: user@ant.apache.org
>>Betreff: HTML tags inside ANT..?
>>Presently am using ant 1.5.4 version for building java application. I 
>>used to generate mails to Lotus Notes server upon either
>build success
>>or failure.
>>Presently the mail generated will have some texts and attached error 
>>log file. I want to use HTML tags inside ant and expexting the 
>>generated mail should
>>looks like a HTML page.
>>Any body have idea abt this,  which will be helpful
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