Usually when a file is overwritten, its permissions are not changed. Executable permission can be lost when the file first deleted, then created again.

Carlton, if you have a special file extension or folder, you can run <chmod> task after newlines are fixed.

- Alexey.

Dominique Devienne wrote:
I'm afraid there's no fix, as Java is not permission-aware. <fixcrlf>
probably creates a new file when it does something, and there's no way
in Java to preserve the permissions. You could 'fix' the permissions
after the fact, using <chmod> which simply forks to the command line
chmod executable, assuming you know beforehand which files need fixing

JDK 6 or later may add support for permissions, by right now there are
no good work-around that I know of. --DD

On 8/14/06, Brown, Carlton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Recently I started observing some very undesirable behavior in my Ant
scripts.   Specifically, when <fixcrlf> does its fixing, it also changes
the file permissions to be non-executable.  Now, I recognize this might
be a very Clever Thing because binaries could be corruped by <fixcrlf>.
But with regard to shell scripts, this is undesired behavior.   How do I
override/work around this?

The reason I run <fixcrlf> on shell scripts is because sometimes
boneheads edit them in Windows and then check them.   I could run around
and tell everybody not to do that, but I choose to make my process
self-correcting.   Except it doesn't work because Ant is trying to give
me help that I don't need.    What can I do here?


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Alexey N. Solofnenko <>
Pleasant Hill, CA (GMT-8 usually)

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