Is this what you are looking for?

Inside the target put record tag & and before ending target stop 

<record name="record-log.txt" action="start"/>

<record name="record-log.txt" action="stop"/>

/ Regards / Prashant

"David Corley \(AT/LMI\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
08/11/2006 01:32 PM
Please respond to
"Ant Users List" <>

"Ant Users List" <>

RE: Logging System

I'm sure it's possible subir, but you'll have to write a custom
logger/listener to carry it out.


-----Original Message-----
From: subir bhaumik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10 August 2006 14:29
Subject: Logging System

    I am using ant programmitacally for compilation of modules.Its OK.
    But i want the log for compilation erros in a file.I have tried
    DefaultLogger.But these are not showing compilation errors.I want
compilation      errors to be written in a file not in console.
   Is it possible by ant programmatically?



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