Bob Corcoran wrote:
I'm getting the following error when trying to get files from PVCS via the PVCS Ant task:

[echo] Getting ProjectRules source from \\x371-yy3002\folder3\zim\PVCSD\ProjectRules/lib for Promotion Group: Dev [exec] PVCS Version Manager (PCLI) v6.8.00 (Build 128.03) for Windows NT/80
    [exec] Copyright 1985-2001 MERANT.  All rights reserved.
    [exec] 15:23:53 Aug.03.06 [Error]
    [exec] The entity (or entities) for "/lib" could not be loaded.
I'm sure that I have the correct user name and password and the correct path to the project database

Thanks very much,

You are probably on your own trying to track down this (configuration) problem, but here is the recommended process

-run ant -v to get the command line sent to PVCS

-try running the command line by hand. Once that is working, worry about ant, which is only adding an extra layer of confusion


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  • PVCS Task Bob Corcoran
    • Re: PVCS Task Steve Loughran

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