Why don't you macrodef the check-resource-test and perform a <fail> internal to it?

You could make the url and value as attributes for the macrodef...

Then you could do something like (assuming you name the macrodef check-resource-test):

<check-resource-test url = "${url.bigip}"/>
<check-resource-test url = "${url.5r}"/>

glenn opdycke-hansen wrote:
the antcall is needed to test different urls. But I suspect it prevents the called target from updating a common property. I did use concat to create an errors.log file. If that file exists then the script fails. It tested
ok, but is a bit awkward.

On 8/3/06, Scot P. Floess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry, maybe I am misunderstanding...  Do you want it to fail
immediately or run to completion then fail if an error arose?

Scot P. Floess wrote:
> How about instead of using antcall, have a target that has a depends
> on them all?  So replace the ant-calls with a depends="xxx yyy xxx"
> Mathew Delong wrote:
>> I've done this in the past by making all of my tests create a resource
>> if they fail, and after all the tests are completed, check if that
>> resource exists. I am sure there are better ways to do this, though.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: glenn opdycke-hansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent:
>> Thursday, August 03, 2006 10:52 AM
>> To: ant user
>> Subject: error from multiple antcalls, how to fail after all antcalls
>> run?
>> I have a question about how to code a script to multiple tests are run
>> and
>> fail at the end of the script.
>> I have a script that calls multiple targets via antcalls:
>>     <antcall target="check-resource-test">
>>             <param name="url" value="${url.bigip}"/>
>>         </antcall>
>>     <antcall target="check-resource-test">
>>             <param name="url" value="${url.5r}"/>
>>         </antcall>
>> I want to execute all of the antcall targets.
>> If any of the antcall targets get an error, then the script must fail.
>> How can this be done?
>> If each antcall target fails, then the script terminates.
>> I was thinking of using a touch or concat to create a file that
>> indicates an
>> error occurred. The script can test if the file exists at the end and
>> then
>> fail if needed.
>> Other suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Glenn
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Scot P. Floess
27 Lake Royale
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Scot P. Floess
27 Lake Royale
Louisburg, NC  27549

252-478-8087 (Home)
919-754-4592 (Work)

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