>Steve Loughran wrote:
>Take the XSL stylesheets that junit report uses and rework them to meet your needs.

Thanks Steve -- I'm not sure if this will solve my problem completely, although it may be a good temporary fix.

I want to reduce the number of exception lines in the results XML file, *before* the XSL is applied to it, since my test suite is failing with an out-of-memory error. I assume that JUnit is keeping the exception stack traces for each failure in memory, in anticipation of writing it to the XML file once the suite finishes, and in my case before the suite has a chance to complete it crashes due to the memory usage. I also want to reduce the amount of stack trace info reported because it is extraneous information (after the first exception or two), but I primarily need to limit it in order to keep from running out of memory when running a suite of over 80 test cases. There doesn't appear to be an option in the JUnit task which allows this sort of control over the exception stack trace reported for a test failure -- can anyone suggest another approach?


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