I suggest you pull Ant out of the equation and get the client to run using
Java on the command line. First run the jar_attilla_client target that
run_attilla_client depends on. If you can do this successfully, then go back
to the Ant script and see if there are any noticeable differences between
the two methods.


On 8/1/06, Angus Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Andrew,
             thanks for the reply. I've tried putting the oc4jclient.jaron
the classpath (see below) but still to no avail. I'm running the script
independently of oc4j i.e. running it from Ant on my hard drive.

Below is are the relevant bits of the script.

Thanks again for your help.


<path id="run.classpath">
<target name="run_attilla_client" depends="jar_attilla_client">
       <java jar="${attilla.home}/${attilla.client.dir}/AttillaClient.jar"
            <arg value="200000"/>
            <arg value="AttillaTimer"/>
Andrew Goktepe wrote:
> Are you using the ANT_HOME that is bundled with OC4J, or a different
> Make sure you have oc4jclient.jar in your classpath.
> Can you post the section of your script where this call is being made?
> -Andrew
> On 7/31/06, Angus Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>      I am creating a script that will build and deploy an EJB to an
>> instance of OC4J. SO far, so good I can deploy the EJB and all is
>> wonderful.
>> I have a class[ath problem with running a client that calls this EJB,
>> basically throws a classnotfound exception when it trys to load an
>> instance
>> of oracle.j2ee.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory as the initail context
>> factory.
>> I have done everything obvious to solve this problem but to no avail.
>> anybody had any similar experiences and if so, how did they resolve
>> Thanks
>> Angus
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