No, FilterReader negation is not something that can be
generically accomplished.  Obviously things like grep
-v are not that difficult, but a FilterReader may
perform transformations for which negation would be a
subjective or inapplicable concept (I know these
things because I asked the same question years ago). 
I would expect you are on the right track with your
RE, however, and would encourage you to be sure all
your greediness etc. is in order before abandoning
that line of inquiry.


--- "Master, Tariq (Abbeywood)"

> I'm sure I read an example in the ant manual using
> the <not> element.
> (having inet access issues so no direct linke -
> sorry)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aaron Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 11 July 2006 16:20
> To: Ant Users
> Subject: Line *Doesn't* Contain?
> How can I do a negative filter in a filterchain?
> I've tried to use a
> negative lookahead regexp /.*(?!foo).*/, but so far
> no luck.
> --
> Aaron Davies
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