On 20/06/06, Rebhan, Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But remember, if someone runs ant in -debug
mode,  he will see your password in stdout or logifle !!

Regards, Gilbert

-----Original Message-----
From: Venkatesh Vijayakumar04 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 5:00 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: RE: Ant tasks to encrypt or decrypt passwords from


Try the following

Write a separate encryption java program

Write a separate decryption java program in such a way that when the
program is executed, it will refer the encrypted password stored in the
property file and gives the clear text password which is the output will
be stored in a separate property file.

In your case, you will be having the encrypted password in property file
so compile and run the decryption java program from ant using javac and
java task in ant.

As a result of the above step a property file with clear text password
will be stored.

Load the value of the property file in a property using loadproperty
task in ant

Delete the password property file immediately.

Refer the property name for subsequent build of password.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anderson, Rob (Global Trade) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 4:09 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: RE: Ant tasks to encrypt or decrypt passwords from

In many cases your best option is probably to prompt the user for the
password using the input task. This solves the problem of storing the
password in plain text in a file, but it requires that the user interact
with the ant build. Another option is to pass in the password on the
command line:

ant -Dpassword=something target

This is less desirable since another user could run ps -ef and see the
password in the process list (on unix).

-Rob A

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexey N. Solofnenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 1:20 PM
> To: Ant Users List
> Subject: Re: Ant tasks to encrypt or decrypt passwords from

> property files

> This can be done by requiring a key store in user home. Only

> people that have some special certificates, can

> encrypt/decrypt date (SSH style security). The decryption can

> be easily done with <scriptdef>. This is a corresponding Java code:

>         SecretKeySpec skeySpec=new

> SecretKeySpec(readAll("key"), "AES");
>         Cipher cipher=Cipher.getInstance("AES");
>         cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skeySpec);

>         String value=new String(cipher.doFinal(buffer), "UTF-8")

> It would be trivial to write a wrapper code for ANT. buffer

> has to be a byte array. I would suggest using binhex conversion.

> - Alexey.

> Dominique Devienne wrote:
> >> we would be interested in encrypting.
> >
> > But then it's a chicken-and-egg problem, no?
> >
> > Where are you going to store the passwords to decrypt the passwords

> > read from properties files? --DD
> >
> >

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Hi to everybody,

Venkatesh's solutions seems very interesting, and as to danch I think
that mounting and unmounting is secure enough, although a bit
complicated, as ant is used for build automation, and you don't get
much automation with this approach.

My personal opinion is that in this case you can't get 100% security.
I would personally use base64 encryption to store the passwords in a
temporary property file(there is a good command-line utility on [2]
for this), and then load them.

Also another approach to this is, as Rob suggested, to prompt the user
to enter his password when needed. Ivan Ivanov on [1] showed how we
can extend ant's input abilities in a way to mask the text being

Hope that helps.

[1] https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=103509
[2] http://www.fourmilab.ch/webtools/base64/
Regards, Petar!
Karlovo, Bulgaria.

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