Have you considered <macrodef>?

Look at the example <macrodef name="call-cc"> You will see a <cc-elements> child... I think this is what you are wanting to do...

Vitaliy S wrote:
Hello Ben,

I want to let users to change content of task in my ant file but don't want
to let them change the file it self.


<project name="myproject" basedir=".">
    <target name="mytarget">
        <copy todir="../dest/dir">
          <fileset dir="src_dir">
             <exclude name="/*.java"/>
          <!--begin of mutable content -->
           <fileset dir="other_src__dir">
             <exclude name="**/*.java"/>
          <!--end of mutable content -->

In the example above mutable part can not be extracted as seporate
task of other ant file.
(in actual example it is hibernate hbm files include for xdoclet).
I want to find clean solution to include xml code for subtasks from a
different files to my build file.

Thanks for your replay.

Vitaliy S
On 6/17/06, Ben Stringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 18:54 +0300, Vitaliy S wrote:
> Hello,
> I have target with a task supporting subtasks
> e.g
>  <copy todir="../dest/dir">
>    <!--begin of mutable content -->
>     <fileset dir="src_dir">
>       <exclude name="**/*.java"/>
>     </fileset>
>    <!--end of mutable content -->
>   </copy>
> the content of task may be changed but the rest file is immutable.
> I want to store mutable content in  seporate file.
> What is the best way to do it?

Hi Vitaliy,

I'm not sure I understand your requirement, but if you are saying that
the XML describing the task will change from build to build, and you
need to use it, then I'd suggest using <import> to import the mutable
part of the task, then having the immutable part of the task call the
mutable part using <antcall>.



<project name="mutable" basedir=".">
  <target name="mutable.part">
    <echo>I change from build to build</echo>


<project name="build" basedir=".">
  <import file="mutable.xml"/>
  <target name="immutable.part">
    <echo>I never change from build to build</echo>
    <antcall target="mutable.part"/>
    <echo>I also never change</echo>

If the mutable part changes _during_ build time, this gets trickier,
although it still should be possible to get working, by using the <ant>
task to re-import the mutable file.

But not fully understanding what you are after, I may be way off here :)

Cheers, Ben

> Regards,
> Vitaliy S
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