
This seems to be a simple setup, but I don't know why it does not work.

My directory layout looks like this:

src/build.xml                         <==  Top level build file.
src/psound/build.xml              <==  Sub project build file.
src/psound/playsoundtest.ex   <== sub project test script
src/psound/*                         <== various code files

Invoking ant in the src/psound/ directory will build, deploy, and test
the code OK.

Invoking ant in the src/ directory will pull the psound component from
CVS and then invoke a new ant on the psound subdirectory where it will
in turn do build and deploy.  When it tries to do a test, it fails to
find the test script.  Here is the error:

    [exec] /home/schwarha/jumeirah/tools/src/project/jumeirah/tools/src/psound

/home/schwarha/jumeirah/tools/src/build.xml:16: The following error
occurred while executing this line:
Execute failed: java.io.IOException: java.io.IOException:
./playsoundtest.ex: not found

Here are the two build.xml files.

The top level one:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project default="main" basedir=".">

   <property name="cvs.dir" value="project" />

   <target name="main" depends="checkout, buildit" >
       <echo> build complete </echo>

   <target name="checkout" >
       <cvs package="jumeirah/tools/src/psound" dest="${cvs.dir}" />

   <target name="buildit" >
       <ant inheritAll="false" dir="project/jumeirah/tools/src/psound"/>

The subdir one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>

<project name="psound" default="Build" basedir=".">

   <property name="destDir" location="/opt/nfs/usr/local/test/psound"/>
   <property name="message" value="Building the project"/>
   <property environment="env"/>

   <target name="Build" depends="Test">
       <echo message="${message}"/>

   <target name="Initialization">
       <exec dir="." executable="make" failonerror="true">
           <arg line="clean"/>
       <delete dir="${destDir}"/>

   <target name="Make" depends="Initialization">
       <exec dir="." executable="make" failonerror="true">

   <target name="Install" depends="Make">
       <exec dir="." executable="make" failonerror="true">
           <arg line="install"/>

   <target name="InstallExtra" depends="Install">
       <mkdir dir="${destDir}"/>
       <copy todir="${destDir}">
           <fileset dir=".">
               <include name="*.sh"/>
               <include name="*.wav"/>
       <chmod dir="${destDir}" perm="ugo+x" includes="*.sh"/>

   <target name="Test" depends="InstallExtra">
       <exec dir="." executable="pwd"/>
       <exec dir="." executable="./playsoundtest.ex" failonerror="true">


Any help is apprecitated.

John F. Davis "JD"

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