Also make sure that /etc/ant.conf does not exist.
If it does, this file will point to the jpackage version of ant.


On 6/14/06, Antoine Levy-Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Dexter,

can you check what is the output of

$ which ant

are you really using the ant distribution that you want to use ?

if you are really using ant 1.6.5, can you try it in combination with JDK
1.4 for instance ?

the error message which you get can mean two things :

- the class which implements the propertyfile task cannot be found,

- or this class can be found, but for instance its super class or a class
needed to create a field cannot be found.



-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 07:00:46 -0700 (PDT)
Von: Dexter Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff: Re: AW: ant fileproperties task classpath problem

> Thanks for the quick reply!  I'm using the official binary, downloaded
> yesterday.
> ant -version
> Apache Ant version 1.6.5 compiled on May 3 2006
> The ant-nodeps.jar does contain a PropertyFile.class and its
> says its name is  org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional
> I tried an empty CLASSPATH, but keep getting the same problem.
> -Dex
> --
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