Phew, I finally got a preliminary version working - took some time...

  <macrodef  name = "jp-for">
<attribute name = "param" description = "The name of the param containing the current value of the loop"/> <attribute name = "lower" default = "1" description = "The lower bounds of the loop"/> <attribute name = "upper" description = "The upper bounds of the loop"/> <attribute name = "step" default = "1" description = "The upper bounds of the loop"/>

<element name = "loop" implicit = "true" description = "The enclosing block - just like ant contrib's for/sequential"/>

          <var  name = "@{param}"  value = "@{lower}"/>

                  <equals  arg1 = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  arg2 = "@{upper}"/>


<math result = "@{param}" datatype = "int" operation = "+" operand1 = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" operand2 = "@{step}"/>

<jp-for param = "@{param}" lower = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" upper = "@{upper}" step = "@{step}">

It actually worked :)

Keep in mind...this is a preliminary version - not tried with a huge list - nor is it making sure upper/lower are actually the bigger/smaller number (nor whether they are integer values)...

But it mostly works :)

Anderson, Rob (Global Trade) wrote:
I had a similar need. I bassically created a shell script that would
generate a LIST property that contained a comma delimited list of
numbers. Here is the script...

echo "How many POs?"
read NUM


echo -n "LIST=" >list.txt

while  [ $X -lt $NUM ] ; do
  if [ $X -lt 10 ] ; then
    echo -n "$DELIM"00"$X" >> list.txt
  elif [ $X -ge 10 ] & [ $X -lt 100 ] ; then
    echo -n "$DELIM"0"$X" >> list.txt
    echo -n "$DELIM""$X" >> list.txt
  let X=$X+1

Run this first to generate the LIST in list.txt, then use the foreach
task to loop over the LIST property in your build.xml. I know it's kinda
lame, but it works.

-Rob A

-----Original Message-----
From: Scot P. Floess [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 3:50 AM
To: Ant Users List
Subject: Re: Implementing a loop in ANT

They do, but unfortunately not exactly what Guru needs. They support for-loops over lists or file sets. Really, he needs something like:

<for lower = "1" upper = "100">

I'm trying to figure out a way to do this using ant/ant-contrib but its not readily apparent to me (I though it'd be trivial) to make it happen.

What I really need is some form of while loop. I considered using recursion...but I could see some possible issues with arbitrarily large iterations (not sure why one would do so...but nonetheless).

Anyway, really I don't think he wants to pre-compute some large list with a delimiter and then use <for> over the list... At least I don't want to do that as a solution ;) Yes, I know one could possibly use a <script>. I am trying to not do that anyway (for reasons related to my open source project - long story)...


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: has some tasks to do this.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Guru Balse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, June 7, 2006 2:17 pm
To: "Ant Users List" <>
Subject: Implementing a loop in ANT

I am sure this question has been asked before, and I could
not see any
reasonable answer in the archives. How can I implement a
loop in ANT
without using scripts? For example, if I want to call a certain target N times, how can I do it?

Using ant-contrib is OK. Of course, something like <for list="1,2,3,4,5,6,...,N"> would work but I want N to be a property that can be specified in the command line.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

 - Guru Balse

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Scot P. Floess
27 Lake Royale
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252-478-8087 (Home)
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Chief Architect JPlate
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Scot P. Floess
27 Lake Royale
Louisburg, NC  27549

252-478-8087 (Home)
919-754-4592 (Work)

Chief Architect JPlate
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