Hi Scot,
Hi folks,

Sorry for my late response & poor English.

I try to organize the discussion on this thread.
As originally questions by other person, how can he pass values from a 
script into a target in spite of the immutablity of properties in Ant ?
A part of his script is below:

<target name="test">
  <script language="javascript"><![CDATA[
    project = self.getProject();
    echo = project.createTask("echo");
    project.setProperty("theVal", "foo");
    project.setProperty("theVal", "bar");
<target name="echoval">

This script produces the following output.

        [echo] foo
        [echo] foo
        [echo] bar
        [echo] foo ( -> bar expected )

So, because the way of getting rid of immutability is using VariableTask 
in Ant-contrib, I tried to change his script above like this below:

  <script language="javascript"><![CDATA[
    project = self.getProject();
    echo = project.createTask("echo");
    variable = project.createTask("var");

But, this script replicated the same result

        [echo] foo
        [echo] foo
        [echo] bar
        [echo] foo ( -> bar expected )

So I consulted the javadoc of Ant, I found that org.apache.tools.ant.
Project#setProperty can overwrite the given property!

My questions are:
1. Why couldn't the first script overwrite the value of property ?
   It's not because of immutability, IMHO.
2. What's wrong with my ( second ) script ?
3. Without using MacrodefTask, can this issue be solved just by 
ScriptTask ?

Sorry for my tedious explanation.

Best Regards,

>To be honest, I've never used the <script> feature of ant.  Sorry, I 
>think I misunderstood your question...  More to the point...it looks 
>like I didn't read the question correctly...
>Sorry 'bout that :)
>trad-ex wrote:
>> Hi Scot,
>> Thanks a lot for your reply.
>> Yes, I've already known that behavior of "Variable" Task.
>> What I would like to know is the proper coding in Script Task by using 
>> Javascript.
>> I wonder my conding doesn't make sense ?
>> Best Regards,
>> trad-ex
>>> I think the idea here is to use <var> from ant contrib.  It definitely 
>>> works and allows one to reset properties...
>>> For instance:
>>> <project  name = "example">
>>>    <taskdef  resource = "net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
>>>    <var name = "my-var" value = "foo"/>
>>>    <echo message = "my-var = ${my-var}"/>
>>>    <var name = "my-var" value = "bar"/>
>>>    <echo message = "my-var = ${my-var}"/>
>>>    <var name = "my-var" value = "alpha"/>
>>>    <echo message = "my-var = ${my-var}"/>
>>> </project>
>>> Will yield:
>>>     [echo] my-var = foo
>>>     [echo] my-var = bar
>>>     [echo] my-var = alpha
>>> Above, the variable is being changed...
>>> trad-ex wrote:
>>>> Hi Steve,
>>>> I tried to use "Variables" Task in ant-contrib, but it replicate the 
>>>> same result as Dick did.
>>>> My build.xml is:
>>>> <?xml version="1.0" ?>
>>>> <project name="build" basedir="." default="test">
>>>> <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
>>>>   <target name="test">
>>>>      <script language="javascript">
>>>>         <![CDATA[
>>>>           project = self.getProject();
>>>>           echo = project.createTask("echo");
>>>>           variable = project.createTask("var");
>>>>           variable.setName("theVal");
>>>>           variable.setValue("foo");
>>>>           variable.execute();
>>>>           echo.setMessage(project.getProperty("theVal"));
>>>>           echo.perform();
>>>>           echoval.execute();
>>>>           variable.setName("theVal");
>>>>           variable.setValue("bar");
>>>>           variable.execute();
>>>>           echo.setMessage(project.getProperty("theVal"));
>>>>           echo.perform();
>>>>           echoval.execute();
>>>>         ]]>
>>>>       </script>
>>>>    </target>
>>>>    <target name="echoval">
>>>>       <echo>${theVal}</echo>
>>>>    </target>
>>>> </project>
>>>> The Result is:
>>>> c:\>ant -v
>>>> Apache Ant version 1.6.2 compiled on July 16 2004
>>>> Buildfile: build.xml
>>>> Detected Java version: 1.4 in: C:\j2sdk1.4.1_07\jre
>>>> Detected OS: Windows XP
>>>> parsing buildfile C:\build.xml with URI = file:///C:/build.xml
>>>> Project base dir set to: C:\
>>>> parsing buildfile 
>>>> jar:file:/C:/apache-ant-1.6.2/lib/ant-contrib.jar!/net/sf/antcontrib/
>>>> antlib.xml 
>>>> with URI = 
>>>> jar:file:/C:/apache-ant-1.6.2/lib/ant-contrib.jar!/net/sf/antcontrib/
>>>> antlib.xml
>>>> Build sequence for target `test' is [test]
>>>> Complete build sequence is [test, echoval, ]
>>>> test:
>>>>      [echo] foo
>>>>      [echo] foo
>>>>      [echo] bar
>>>>      [echo] foo
>>>> Total time: 0 seconds
>>>> c:\>
>>>> Why ?
>>>> What's wrong with my description about "Variable" task ?
>>>> Any comments will be very appreciated.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> trad-ex
>>>>> Dick, Brian E. wrote:
>>>>>> I have just a day to get this working. These are production machines,
>>>>>>  so
>>>>>> I can't deploy anything to them.
>>>>>> I'm using sshexec to remotely ping from a unix host and using rcmd to
>>>>>> remotely ping from a windows host. I redirect the output from these
>>>>>> tasks to a file and then use loadfile with a filterchain to load the
>>>>>> ipaddress into a property.
>>>>>> This works all fine and dandy except I need to do it in a loop, so that
>>>>>> led me to the script task. But I was having problems getting the
>>>>>> ipaddress set by loadfile back to the script. I didn't want to create
>>>>>> 20x100 properties, but if that's what it takes, so be it.
>>>>> In that case, grab the <var> task from ant-contrib, which can be used 
>>>>> to 
>>>>> erase a property before you reuse it.
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>>> -- 
>>> Scot P. Floess
>>> 27 Lake Royale
>>> Louisburg, NC  27549
>>> 252-478-8087 (Home)
>>> 919-754-4592 (Work)
>>> Chief Architect JPlate  http://sourceforge.net/projects/jplate
>>> Chief Architect JavaPIM http://sourceforge.net/projects/javapim
>Scot P. Floess
>27 Lake Royale
>Louisburg, NC  27549
>252-478-8087 (Home)
>919-754-4592 (Work)
>Chief Architect JPlate  http://sourceforge.net/projects/jplate
>Chief Architect JavaPIM http://sourceforge.net/projects/javapim
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