>>Can anybody tell me the switch case equivalent of ANT >>Where I can select according to case number I give as i/p from user.
What do you want to switch? You could load a different set of properties with <input property="choice" validargs="1,2"/> <property file="${choice}.properties"/> You could use different targets with <input property="choice" validargs="1,2"/> <antcall target="${choice}"/> or a set of if/unless/depends clauses on the targets or <import file="${choice}.xml"/> $>ant -Dchoice=stuffA >You have to download antcontrib.jar. Google or look for >AntContrib in sourceforge. It will give you some programming >capability and it has the switch command which behaves like case) <ac:switch> is another option.... - always ensure that you have a default option - think about a build without any user interaction (CruiseControl, Gump, ....) - think about your build process - different things for different user inputs? Jan --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]