Holger:  the <property refid="" /> notation you are
using is not -really- recommended.  IIRC is is noted
as experimental in the code; while it is not going
anywhere, in this case you can see it yields
less-than-optimal results.  It calls toString() on the
referenced object.  DirSet inherits its toString()
implementation from AbstractFileSet, which returns a
Windows-style path of included *files*.  I would urge
you to use the pathconvert task instead; it will do
what you want here.


--- Holger Rauch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi!
> I've created the following simple directory
> structure for testing purposes.
> I would like to see only dirs below test ("blah" and
> "blubber") in my
> dirset/fileset. The Ant version I'm using is 1.6.5
> in conjunction with
> JDK 1.5.0_06 on Linux:

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