oops sorry..please change the second condition arg1 to 'ready'

<condition property="build.ready.value">
    <equals arg1="ready" arg2="${type.build.name}" />


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Devaraj, Geethakrishnan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ant Users List" <user@ant.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [SPAM-H] - Condition for two Parallel task - Email has
different SMTP TO: and MIME TO: fields in the email addresses

> Hi pritesh,
> try this
> <condition property="build.develop.value">
>     <equals arg1="develop" arg2="${type.build.name}" />
> </condition>
> <condition property="build.ready.value">
>     <equals arg1="develop" arg2="${type.build.name}" />
> </condition>
> <target name="release" depends="develop,ready" />
> <target name="develop" if="build.develop.value" />
> <target name="ready" if="build.ready.value" />
> i have not tried this ..but i believe it should work..
> Regards,
> Geethakrishnan
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> To: <user@ant.apache.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:35 PM
> Subject: [SPAM-H] - Condition for two Parallel task - Email has different
> SMTP TO: and MIME TO: fields in the email addresses
> Hi All,
>           I am trying to use <condition> but not finding a good way to
> resolve my problem, problem goes like this:
> I had one build-properties.xml file which contains
> //----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> build-properties.xml
> --------------------
> <property name="mapped.folder" value="T:"/>
> <property name="baseline.name" value="CASH26420060206"/>
> <property name="debug.name" value="CONT_P2"/>
> <! -- Please enter valid type for build in Develop and Ready format -->
> <property name="type.build.name" value="Develop"/>
> and my build.xml files contains the two <parallel> tasks,
> build.xml
> ---------
> <target name="pvcs-get" description="Get from PVCS">
>             <! -- Parallel task 1-->
>             <parallel>
>                         <exec executable="SerenaLoginbat.bat"
> failonerror="true"/>
>                         <exec executable="download.exe"
> failonerror="true" searchpath="true">
>                                     <arg line="-r -C
> ${mapped.folder}/${newfolder.name}${today.date} -D \\ -B
> WASHCON:${baseline.name}"/>
>                         </exec>
>             </parallel>
>             <! -- Parallel task 2-->
>             <parallel>
>                         <exec executable="SerenaLoginbat.bat"
> failonerror="true"/>
>                         <exec executable="download.exe"
> failonerror="true" searchpath="true">
>                                     <arg line=" -W CASHCON:${debug.name}
> -D ${mapped.folder}/${newfolder.name}${today.date} -r "/>
>                         </exec>
>             </parallel>
> </target>
> //----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> Now if I want to do a Ready build I will change the value of
> "type.build.name" property in my build-properties.xml file like this
> <property name="type.build.name" value="Ready"/>,
> And when build.xml file is executed it will execute the first <parallel>
> task and if I want to do a Develop build I will make appropriate changes
> to the same property, and when build.xml file is executed this time it
> will run the second <parallel> task and not the first one.
> Can anybody give some thoughts on this?
> +91 80 30298143(O)
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