On 4/25/06, Andrew Goodnough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yeah, I forgot that part of what you were looking for.  The closest
I've come is this, using a separate "branch-build" file located at the
root of your local workspace (same level with the projects):

  <fileset dir="${branch.dir}">
    <patternset id="project.files">
      <include name="Biz-Cal/build.xml"/>
      <include name="CCAP-FOP/build.xml"/>
      <include name="CCAP-Util/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-Common-Client/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-Common-Queries/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-Datasource/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-Global/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-Global-Queries/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-GUI/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-JMS/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-JMX/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-JMX-JavaScript/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-PDF-Services/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-Plugin-Sybase/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-Protocols/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-Scanner/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-Security/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-Server/build.xml"/>
      <include name="Jade-Software-Bootstrap/build.xml"/>

  <target name="compile" depends="version" description="Compiles the
source files for the whole branch">
    <echo message="Compiling ${cvs.tag} projects..."/>
    <subant target="compile">
          <fileset dir="${branch.dir}">
                <patternset refid="project.files"/>

  <target name="jar" depends="version" description="Assembles the
current build into a deployable jar files for the whole branch">
    <echo message="Jaring ${cvs.tag} projects..."/>
    <subant target="jar">
          <fileset dir="${branch.dir}">
                <patternset refid="project.files"/>


now I can issue the command:

ant -f branch-build.xml compile jar

You only have to maintain one main list of projects.  You might be able
to get this into an external file, too.  So, if you set up the
dependencies on a per project basis (from previous email) all
dependencies will be satisfied.  Because this branch-build.xml file
calls project builds in order, many popular dependent projects will get
called multiple times.  This is not horrible (unless you call clean on
every project) because each project will only have to compile once.


thanks again.  that helps quite a bit.  i'll give your solution a try
and post back if i have questions. ;)


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