
Here is a sample script that does this:

    <fileset dir="${basedir}" id="all.files.fs">
        <include name="**/*"/>
    <pathconvert property="all.files"
    <echo file="allfiles.txt">${all.files}</echo>

Note that allfiles.txt will contain the absolute
locations of the files. If you need relative ones you
may want to use mappers:

    <pathconvert property="all.files"
from="${basedir}${file.separator}*" to="*"/>


--- "Guttula, Mohan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I need to generate a file that contains list of
> files from a directory
> (that will contain subdirectories). 
> Something similar to copying the output of "ls" or
> "dir" to a file.
> For example: 
> Folder "temp" contains folders "temp1", "temp2", and
> a file "temp.tab"
> Folder "temp1" contains folder temp3 and file
> "temp1.ind"
> Folder "temp2" contains folder temp4 and file
> "temp2.trg"
> Folder "temp3" contains file "temp3.seq"
> Folder "temp4" contains file "temp4.fn"
> I need to generate a file which contains the
> following contents:
> ----
> temp/temp.tab
> temp1/temp1.ind
> temp2/temp2.trg
> temp3/temp3.seq
> temp4/temp4.fn
> ----
> Note: Contents of "temp" folder changes during each
> checkout from Source
> code control.
> Thanks,
> Mohan
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