
I suppose you will need a fully fledged http client
like Jakarta Commons HttpClient[1]. Sending any http
request using its API is pretty easy. Then you can
encapsulated the request and the status handling in a

I noticed once a conversation in ant-user or ant-dev
about http tasks, that will allow the users to send
any http method to a server. They have been added also
in proposals directory in the source repository. I do
not know, however, their status - if they will make
their way in ant 1.7.



--- Thod Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm looking for an existing Ant task that will allow
> me to look at the HTTPResponse status code so that i
> know what to do next ....
> I've tried nested conditions <http> but this task
> only
> handles 2 conditions (if status code <=400, its
> successful otherwise, it's a failure). This is not
> what i want.
> Any helps are greatly appreciated...
> Tom 
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