On 3/17/06, EJ Ciramella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So no explanation for this strange behavior?
> When I do this, the sync starts syncing all kinds of things that are NOT
> in the fileset.  What am I doing wrong?

You don't give much context...

If it is *removing* from 'todir' files which don't match your
<include>, then it's by design, and works as expected. The 'todir'
will be an exact copy of the fileset's dir, BUT with only the selected
(by your <include>) files.

I think there's a new element in SVN Stefan added to preserve files in
'todir', possibly not present in the input dir(s). I know I coded it
in my own <lsync>, to preserve CVS/* files in todir.

I hope this helps. --DD

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