> >Betreff: How can I access the environtment variable JAVA_HOME?
> <property environment="env"/>    <!-- access to all env variables by
> prefix
> <echo> ${env.JAVA_HOME} </echo>
> >(if there is another way of using the C compiler i'll
> >be gratefull if any of you could tell me)
> ant-contrib has some c-related tasks. Dont know if they fit here ....
> Jan
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Also all of the  java system properties(the one you can get with
System.getProperties) are available in Ant:

"file.separator" - File separator (for example, "/")
"java.class.path" - Java classpath
"java.class.version" - Java class version number
"java.home" - Java installation directory
"java.vendor" - Java vendor-specific string
"java.vendor.url" - Java vendor URL
"java.version" - Java version number
 "line.separator" - Line separator
 "os.arch" - Operating system architecture
"os.name" - Operating system name
"os.version" - Operating system version
 "path.separator" - Path separator (for example, ":")
 "user.dir" - User's current working directory
"user.home" - User home directory
"user.name" - User account name

You can use them in your build script as any other property.

Regards, Petar!

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