> Hi Form
> I am a begineer in here....
> If One uses the API's of Ant  from java  to  set/run the targets /tasks.
> "org.apache.tools.ant.*"
> then is  the "buildfile.xml"  still necessary for execution.

No - the build.xml file is not necessary.
> Please somebody  explain.....

The centre of the Ant API is the Project class.  You can programmatically
setup a project, add targets containing tasks, listeners, etc. Once that's
done you can request a sorted list of targets and trigger target execution.

Think of the build file as an XML-based description of the state of project
definition.  The definition could be established by parsing the build file,
or alternatively it could be establish using other information.  The
majority of builds I work with do not have a build.xml however, I frequently
include XML-based template definitions as part of the process of project


Stephen McConnell

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