
In general you can send emails from Ant using <mail>
task. However, it is not useful for emailing the
status of the build, because the build may fail and
stop before reaching the target with <mail> task, i.e.
in case of failure you will not receive an email.

--- Deep Chand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello community,
> I'm a newbie to Ant. I tried to search for this
> solution but couldn't find.
> I want to send emails with the status of the build
> and with logs if
> there are errors. I'm able to send email and also
> the build process
> works but I'm not able to figure out how to write
> the error logs in a
> file from the ant script. 
I am aware of the following general ways:
- start ant with -logfile option like
ant mytarget -l mylogfile.log
- use <record> task [2]. It is a flexible way to log
only a portion of the build script
- use pipes like
ant mytarget > mylogfile.log

> Is there any task that can interpret the log
> file or do I have to define a custom task?  I guess
> this should be a
> very common problem ...so what's the recommended
> practice. Thanks in advance.
The recommended practice for mailing the build output
is using MailLogger [3]. It is used like
ant -logger org.apache.tools.ant.listener.MailLogger

For the whole concepts of Ant loggers and listeners
see [4].



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