>    <!-- each path element in its own variable; on several threads
>    args (1)
>      0: C:\tmp\ant-javaWithPath\files\with a space.file
>    args (1)
>      0: C:\tmp\ant-javaWithPath\files\withoutaspace.file
>    -->
>    <apply executable="java">
>        <arg line="-classpath ."/>
>        <arg value="App"/>
>        <path refid="p"/>
>    </apply>

You're just missing parallel="true" to invoke a single command (or as
few as necessary in case of a very long command line when
'maxparallel' is set) instead of one per path element. Your other
solutions work Matt, they are just less the "Ant way" IMHO, and
involve <pathconvert> and <arg line> which must re-tokenize into
different args (usually OK, but it varies in corner cases...)


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